Build Your Team

Hey y’all, I know it's been a while and trust me I wish it hadn’t been so long. The toughest part about blogging/writing is writing about things that inspire and resonate with people.  However as of late I’ve been extremely inspired by so many things.  The people in my life, the places I've been, and my career have wildly inspired me.  Today we are going to talk about a very important life lesson that I've learned, “How to build a team”.

For most of my life I struggled with figuring out where I belonged or what I wanted out of life.  Life gets challenging when you are flying blind with a feeling of no purpose or direction.  Now that's not a negative per say, there is a lot of beauty in the unknown, but ultimately, it's difficult all the same not knowing.  All that changed for me when I started relying on my team.  Now when I say “team” I'm referring to all the people in our lives that make a difference.  For me, all that I am is because of them.  Now before we get into all the nitty gritty about building and cultivating a strong team, I want to share with you a few of my teammates. 

Now this first person is unlike any other, my dad.  My dad is the greatest man I’ll ever know.  He’s the most patient person.  We all know we could use a bit more patience with each other.  He’s never raised his voice, he’s showed unconditional love in his own ways, he gave and would give up anything and everything to see my brother, mom and I succeed.  My dad has this funny way of always knowing what to say and when to just sit and listen.  He sacrificed everything for me and never expected a thank you in return.  I’m the man I am today because of him. 

The next team member is my mom.  My mom is just pure energy. For anybody that knows her can attest to this.  She is the most positive person you will ever meet.  It could be raining fire and she will find the silver lining and help you find it as well.  My mom didn't have it easy growing up; she had to face a lot of things that kids shouldn’t have to go through. I think that's what I admire the most about her, never giving up and her positivity.  It’s people like that who keep you moving forward.  My mom has kept me moving forward.  She never lets me give up until I've seen it through to the end.  She’s the reason I'm still dreaming and believing.  She sees the very best in me, even when I don’t see it in myself.  No matter what, I'll always be her little buddy (my nickname she gave me growing up.)

The next person is very special, my girlfriend Gab.  She is like a breath of fresh air. She came into my life when I least expected it and probably when I needed her the most without even realizing it. She just gets me in ways a lot of people never have. She saw the very best in me.  She jumped into my journey through professional golf with nothing but excitement.  She even gets up at 4 am to make coffee before my opening shifts at the golf course. I never thought anybody would do that for me. She has never given up on me, even if I try to give up on myself and she loves me a lot and that’s freaking awesome. 

Now there are so many people out there that are part of my team aside from my parents and Gab, my Champions Gate family in Florida, My Seaview family and the rest of the people back home in South Jersey. Every single one of those people have played a pivotal role in my life.  I think that’s what living all is about.  Being able to leave a mark on somebody’s life that changes or helps them for better.  Every single one of these people have changed my life, and that's what being a team is all about, supporting and encouraging each other.  In the end, we are all striving for some kind of success in life no matter what you are doing. That success is the end goal, and the goal is almost impossible to attain without a team, without a group of people that would do absolutely anything to see you reach that goal, dream job, or anything that lights a fire in your soul. I can confidently say my team would go to the ends of the world to watch me succeed.  I am damn sure I would do the same for each and every one of them. I can promise you all one thing. It's way better to say “We made it” than “I made it” because if we don’t know it by now life is boring when you do it alone. 

“I don’t how much value I have in this universe, but I do know that I’ve made a few people happier than they would have been without me, and as long as I know that, I’m as rich as I’ll ever need to be”


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